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Welcome to SAIN !

The China-UK Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (SAIN) has been established to provide a coherent framework for the development and implementation of China-UK collaboration on environmentally sustainable agriculture. It will support the UK-China cooperation in sustainable agriculture & food security and provide a flexible and largely self-sustaining platform for long-term China-UK collaboration in this area.

UK Agriculture Brief
UK Agriculture Brief May-June 2024
UK Agriculture Brief Mar-Apr 2024
UK Agriculture Brief Jan-Feb 2024
UK Agriculture Brief Jul-Aug 2023
UK Agriculture Brief May-Jun 2023
UK Agriculture Brief Mar-Apr 2023
UK Agriculture Brief Jan-Feb 2023
China Agri-food News Digest
China Agri-food News Digest May-June 2024
China Agri-food News Digest Mar-Apr 2024
China Agri-food News Digest Jan-Feb 2024
China Agri-food News Digest Jul-Aug 2023
China Agri-food News Digest May-Jun 2023
China Agri-food News Digest May-Jun 2023
China Agri-food News Digest Mar-Apr 2023
SAIN Update
SAIN Update Jan-Mar 2017
SAIN Update Oct-Dec 2016
SAIN Update Jul-Sept 2016
SAIN Update Apr-Jun 2016
SAIN Update Jan-Mar 2016
SAIN Update Oct-Dec 2015
SAIN Policy Brief
SAIN Policy Brief No.16
SAIN Policy Brief No.15
AIN Policy Brief No.14
SAIN Policy Brief No.13

Minister Tang Renjian Meets with UK Counterpart

The International Symposium on Agricultural Emission Reduction, Carbon Fixation, and Climate Change Response, as well as the Summary Meeting of the Climate Smart Agriculture "Runtian" Project, were successfully held in Dalian,China
International Conference on Food Loss held in Jinan, Shandong Province
livestreaming lectures on UK-China Soil and Sustainable Development Research are rescheduled
SAIN in 2019 - the Key Milestones, Events and Partners
Seminar on Catchment Ecosystem Management with Delegation from Chinese Ministry of Water Resource
Chinese delegation went to the UK and Italy to study the management model of orchards
The 10th UK-China Economic and Financial Dialogue held in London, cooperation in agriculture is a priority
SAIN Signed UK China Cooperation Initiative on Agricultural Green Development
Conference Information: RAMIRAN 2020
SAIN Forum 2018 held in the UK, focus on agriculture green development
UK China Agricutural Cooperation Bulletin No 1
SAIN Working Paper No 1
British Prime Minister Theresa May visit CAAS National Agricultural Science and Technology Demonstration Park
CINAg and N-Circle hold joint meeting
STFC Newton Agri-Tech Fund:  Network+ Open Innovation (Sandpit) Workshop
Top news
Funding competition: Newton UK-China agritech challenge 2017
Agricultural Technology Newspaper reports on the cooperation projects between China and the UK
UK and Chinese universities establish research networ
Call for workshop participants
Information Sheet No7-China’s Agricultural Production and Trade in 2016
UK Prime Minister hosted a reception to celebrate Chinese New Year, Head of SAIN Secretariat was invited
PhD position: Water pollution and water use in agriculture in China
Job Opportunity
  The UK China Virtual Joint Centre of Nitrogen in Agriculture
Catchment Sensitive Farming Alert System
Knowledge, policy and practice for sustainable nutrient management and water resources protection in UK and Chinese agro-ecosystems
Biochar: Social-Economic and Biophysical "Fit"
The future of food and farming-Forsight Report's implications for China
Developing a catchment management template to mitigate non-point source pollution in China
Conservation for enhanced utilization of crop wild relative diversity for sustainable development and climate change mitigation
ADMIT: Harmonising Adaptation and Mitigation for agriculture and water in China
Estimates of future agricultural greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation in China
Manure Use in China (MUC)
Biochar: Social-Economic and Biophysical "Fit"


Contact us:

Secretariat Offices(UK)
YueLai Lu, International Development, University of East Anglia Norwich, NR4 7TJ UK
Tel: +44(0)1603 593264
Fax: +44 (0)1603 591170
Email: y.lu@uea.ac.uk

Secretariat Offices(China)
Tong Yanan, College of Resource and Environment, Northwest Sci-Tech University of Agriculture and Forestry, 712100, Shaanxi, Yangling, P.R. of China.
Tel/Fax: 0086+29+87081213
Email: tongyanan@nwsuaf.edu.cn


Partner Websites CHINA SDD
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